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Monday, November 5, 2012

November Already!?

This time of year amazes me every time... With everyone ramping up in schools, conferences happening, and sports fever across the tundra, I haven't had too much time to sit, much less write. Lets see what I missed.

October included visits to Alakanuk, Emmonak, Marshall, Russian Mission, Nunam Iqua, and Scammon Bay. I had a blast, taught a few days, worked with some great teachers, and observed communities on the up and up. I think LYSD is a happier place than it has been. I think the teachers are more effective. I think the students are learning more. Could we do better? Without a doubt. The groundwork has been laid, though. It's time to harvest...

After a few weeks on the road I was lucky to be invited to the Career and Technical Education Conference in Anchorage. While there I facilitated and co-presented several sessions at the downtown Marriott  What a great meeting of minds! I was so happy to learn from a world-famous Google certified trainer and Apple Distinguished Educator. Also in attendance were members of a recently graduated PhD cohort sharing results from their studies of Alaskan technology in education. I learned a lot and had some of the most meaningful conversations I have had in a long while.

Back in the Bush, I have since been in Kotlik. With beautiful  cold days, full of color at dawn and fiery sunsets, the travel seems a little easier these days. Tomorrow I will be off to Alakanuk, then Hooper Bay until Friday. Tired as I may get, I can never say no to a trip promising progress. Making a difference, that's what its all about.

Perhaps I am positive for a different reason these days... perhaps it's because I don't have anymore homework to do for a while. Finishing a Master's (finally) is so refreshing. Done. ~whew~ Now to find a PhD Program.