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Monday, April 23, 2012

Sister's Wedding

(Sorry- I forgot to post this on time, but here is one from the 16th of April!)

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending the wedding of my oldest sister. It was such a beautiful affair and I enjoyed every minute of the wonderful company. The venue was lovely, the food plentiful and the weather perfect. My entire family was in attendance and I was able to spend an entire weekend with the bride and groom!
My trip started well, if early, and I had no trouble getting to Anchorage from Mountain. This time of year can sometimes be plagued by fronts, fog, and wind storms. Once in Seattle, then on to Houston it began to sink in that I was in store for an amazing adventure. I purchased the tickets to Puerto Rico & Houston a few weeks prior, but I had not yet accepted the fact that I would be 50-70 degrees warmer and eventually on a beach! Rushing to get to the wedding I grabbed the keys to a Chrysler 300 and hit the road. By the time I got to Lake Charles the rehearsal was over and it was bachelor party time ~ and if you want to know more about this evening (morning?) you’ll have to ask me personally!
The next morning was earlier than I would like, but well worth the headache; besides, it was nothing a Rockstar and an oatmeal creampie couldn’t fix.  Helping the groom get ready was quick and then we were off the ceremony.  I was lucky to be the MC at the event and even got the first dance after mom & dad!

After food and pictures we all made our way to the newlywed’s house for a swim and BBQ in the back yard. Far from the “warm” 30 degrees in Alaska, I enjoyed the party in swimsuit and sandals. I didn’t realize how much I missed my family (as I often do living so far away) until midnight snuck up on us and better judgment demanded we sleep.

Keeping true to my roots, I suggested the following morning that we boil crawfish and met little resistance. Taking every opportunity to show my appreciation and love for the new couple I picked up a few fixings and a few dozen pounds of live crawfish. Potatoes, corn, mushrooms, garlic, and crawfish rounded out the menu. In order to document the process for those not fortunate enough to have joined a feast such as this I took the liberty of walking you through it step-by-step. I hope you enjoy:
Separate tail from head.

Suck inside of head while squeezing shell.

Remove first section of tail shell (closest to head).
Remove a second section if needed.

Bite and hold tail meat between teeth.

Pinch the lowest section of the tail with thumb while pulling meat away with mouth. 
Repeat 100-500 times!! :)

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